Only one way to find out, who is the strongest, fittest in the School of Pharmacy. TuPSS, annually will organize a few sports event, to let the students vent out their stress in studies. Furthermore, the event not just serves as a platform to sweat, but to increase communication and interaction between the students from each year.
Posters for the events (from the left: Serve Smash and Win; Sweat, Shake O’ Sunday)
We often neglected our own health just to care for others health. We live in a world of irony where healthcare professions are not profession in their own health. TuPSS held our annual Badminton day and Sports carnival at 11th November and 19th November respectively.
Serve, Smash and Win 2017 held on the 11th of November at South Quay Badminton court, the OCs have dedicated their time to make this event a successful one. Participants starts to gather around 12pm in the afternoon, warming up for their matches. On the other hand, OCs prepares refreshments for the participants and the OCs themselves so that they can stay on their top notch.
Here are some photos from the events itself
Ong Wei Qiao & You Xiao Quan mixed doubles
Michelle Ting & Chan Zhuo En mixed doubles
Senior Supporters
: ( someone call the first aider please
Power doubles strikes again from 2016
Pretty supporters
Men’s Doubles (Isaac Lee & Jezreel Francis vs Tan Chun Kit & Theam Jia Hui)
Isaac: “NO! It’s short!!”
Cheong Kah Ming serves for his opponent.
Let me see got handsome guy or not
Group Photo. Good Job to the OCs and the participants!
Men Single
Cheong Kah Ming
Men’s Doubles
Tan Chun Kit
Theam Jia Hui
Woman Single
Au Yong Yee Leng
Women Double
Teng Jia Hui
Au Yong Yee Leng
Mix Doubles
Tan Chun Kit
Chua Sher Fern
On the 19th November 2017, Our School annual sports carnival has been held at the sports complex in Taylor’s Lakeside sports complex. Registration opens early in the morning, led by the year 1 organizing team, led by the Project Director, Ong Yi Xian. After the registration, the participants are being gathered into the basketball court to startup with some warmup dance.
After warmup and loosen their muscles, the participants have been assigned to their own respecting team. There are 4 teams in total, the Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphin, and Adrenaline.
Each group started up by self-introduction, a little background on their own and then proceeds with group cheers.
The next activity on the list is station games. They are required to go around the campus and find clues for their next station. Each station will give them the next clue to the next station. Although it was hectic and tiring, they seems to enjoy the activities the OCs has put up with.
Lunch, the most time where participants sit down and have their meals with each other. Although it was only packed lunch, but with everyone around, it still feels like we are having a banquet at the sports complex.
After Lunch, the activities proceed with captain ball. The objectives is to pass the ball to the keeper at the end of the field. When the person at the far end of the field gets the ball, the team gets one point. Everyone had fun with it. They give in their 101% just to earn the glory to their house.
I Pass !!
Score !!
DAB !!
Carry on with basketball, a more common sports that we used to play, basically just pass the ball, into the hoop, then you score points. This is when things got competitive where everyone wants to be the very best. Some of the participants who are not able to join in the morning has arrived. Without any trouble fitting into the teams, all of them performed terrifically well. This shows how closely the relationship between each badge is.
I jump!
Quick get the ball !!
A little off time for the participants and the OCs
Why not?
I see ya !!
This is where we parts, the closing ceremony. They are all tried, exhausted and just wanted to go home and bath. It’s time to announce the winner! Along with the prices for badminton day on the 11th of November, Dr Jason, who willingly sacrifices his weekend for the even are being invited to give out the medals and prizes to the winner.
Congratulations !!
Congratulations !! x2
Wei Qiao and the prizes
Group Photo :D
Organising Committee
Serotonin - Daphne Chen, Reynard Aw, Chan Jing Er, Lam Jing Kai, Joyce Tan
Captain ball
Adrenaline - Yong Yen Nee, Scarlett Lee, Jodi Lee, Jason Lee, Lee Zheng Yang
Winning house
Serotonin (Daphne, Reynard, Janice, Aaron, Joyce Tan, Teoh Jia Ying, Chan Jing Er)
Hands up to Ong Yi Xian and his organizing team. They did an amazing job!
Written By
Christopher Wong
Editorial Board 2017
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