On 8th of November 2016 (Tuesday), our lovely TEMP committee members (Chua Sher Fern, Low Yi Pei, Ng Kar Weng and Scarlett Lee) had organised their very first fruit sales in our campus. The main objective of this event is to have fund raising and 100% of the fund will be channeled to TEMP targeted community. Besides, this also creates a good opportunity for our juniors to get to know more about what actually TEMP do.
TEMP a.k.a The Extra Miles Program, is a new initiative under TuPSS which acts as a platform for future community service projects, they often liaise with external parties such as Pusat Perjagaan Kanak-Kanak Cacat Taman Megah(PPKKCTM) to carry out community projects, which provide a good opportunity for our members to get exposed to the community during their studies.
This sums up our TEMP's very first fruits sales! If you happened to miss the first sales, no worries, TEMP will be having another event very soon! Stay tuned for further information.
Lastly, let's shout out our TEMP's slogan!
TEMP a.k.a The Extra Miles Program, is a new initiative under TuPSS which acts as a platform for future community service projects, they often liaise with external parties such as Pusat Perjagaan Kanak-Kanak Cacat Taman Megah(PPKKCTM) to carry out community projects, which provide a good opportunity for our members to get exposed to the community during their studies.
Guess what? They have bananas!
Besides, they still have chocolate dipping for bananas!
Guavas!!! extraordinary rich in vitamin C!
If you want to have some varieties of fruits, they have mixed fruits as well!
Here are our pretty TEMP's committees! !
They received good reviews from customers!
Our TEMP director Sher Fern was busying serving customers..
Too many customers? Sher Fern burst out laughing !
Other than fruits selling, they also set up a donation box for donation.
"Little little will become a lot"
Mixed fruits ambassador...
Lastly, very thankful for the helpers!
This sums up our TEMP's very first fruits sales! If you happened to miss the first sales, no worries, TEMP will be having another event very soon! Stay tuned for further information.
Lastly, let's shout out our TEMP's slogan!