Thursday, 8 September 2016

On the 3rd of September 2016, an annual team building event was held by our TuPSS committee members to welcome our year one juniors who are new to Taylor's University School of Pharmacy. This event involved students and lecturers from SOP, including the dean of SOP, Prof. Thomas. The objective of this team building is not only for the participants to have fun and learn skills, but also for the freshmen to get to know the seniors, and for the seniors to share their experience as a pharmacy student in Taylor's University.

Registration started at 9am and it was handled by the year 3 seniors, Irene and Patricia. At 9.45am, we seniors aka the facilitators started gathering the juniors of their group to sit together in a circle. We started with some fun ice breaking activities, for everyone to remember the names of their group members.

After breaking the ice between group members, we started with our team building game at 10.30am, The Game of Life. Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. From the photos below, we can see that everyone was having fun and working together as a team, and that is why we say, unity is strength.

Banana Passing Challenge

Thinking of which stock market they should invest in

Building structure for Egg Drop Challenge

The students and Dr Lau folding origami together!

 After the team building activities, came the best part of the day: Lunch! We had our delicious lunch prepared by the organizing committees.

After lunch, it's time to reveal how much money every group earned and start purchasing items prepared by the game team. 

Then, it's prize giving ceremony for the winning groups, congratulations and we hope you guys enjoyed the snacks!

An event is not complete without a group photo, so we took a group photo together before ending this event.

Organizing committee for team building 2016

We wish to thank the organizing committee for the efforts they put in to organize this team building event for our juniors, and we wish to thank the students and lecturers for participating in this event, we hope that you enjoyed it.

Posted by TuPSS Editorial Board On 01:03 No comments READ FULL POST

S-pill it out is on air now!

As a platform for information sharing on health-care related issues, TuPSS editorial board would like to invite Taylor's SOP students to share their voice out.

Anyone who interested kindly email the writing piece to: Writer can choose to disclose his name as the writer or using the nickname. The content of the writing should not consists of political, religious, and sexism issues.

P.S.: The opinions expressed by the writer do not represent the view of TuPSS Editorial Board.