Monday, 10 November 2014

"All fun and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

To unwind from all the academic stress, the TuPSS planning committee had put together a sports day event for their fellow school of pharmacy friends and lecturers.

The event kicked off on the 1st of November 2014 with the badminton tournament held in the South Quay.
A shuttle bus was provided for the students that left at approximately 12 in the afternoon to the location.

Once there, the participants took a little while to warm up before getting ready to compete.

The results turned out as follows:

Men's Singles

Rank 1: Yeong Jenning
         2: Lee Kah Hung
         3: Vincent Ngu
         4: Kam Weng Hang

Women's Singles

Rank 1: Tan Hui Qi
         2: Bong Zhang Min
         3: Ho Ka Mun

Men's Doubles

Rank 1: Tan Kee Teng/ Aqil
         2: Ng Kah Weng/ Lee Kah Hung
         3: Chia Kai Xiang/ Yeong Jenning

Women's Doubles

Rank 1: Neoh Elaine/ Law Sok Ching
         2: Alene/ Bong Zhang Min
         3: Chen Seat Theng/ Ng Wen Yia

Mixed Doubles

Rank 1: Yeong Jenning/ Tan Hui Qi
         2: Loke Ren Zhang/ Law Sok Ching
         3: Koh Wei Qin/ Ho Ka Mun
         4: Ng Kah Weng/ Neoh Elaine
Women's Double 

Men's Double (one of them absent )

Women's Single

Men's Single 

Overall it was a very enjoyable tournament as all the participants were competitive but above all had plenty of fun bonding with the rest of the TuPSS members.

That wasn't all though, the following Saturday (8th November 2014), the fun and games continued. This time it was held at the Taylor's Sports Complex.

Registration stared at 8.30 a.m. with Prof.P.T Thomas, Dean and Professor, Taylor's School of Pharmacy, followed by an ice breaking session. The students where separated into their color groups; namely Red, Orange, Yellow and Green. Each group was designated a location and when the first buzzer rang at 9 o'clock, the students moved to their respective locations.

For their first ice breaking game, the students were seated in a circle and took turns to remember each others' names. Failure to remember their team mates' names resulted in a toothpaste face painting punishment.
Prof.P.T. Thomas giving speeches
Toothpaste face painting 

The second game was called Act + React. It was sort of a charades game where each member would write down an action and later they drew lots to pick the action that someone will have to act out for the rest of the team to guess.
Try her very best to act cockroach 

The next game as called 'Balloon Name Passing'. In this game each student will have to shout out a name another team mate and hit the balloon in 3 seconds without letting it touch the ground.

After the 3rd game finished, each team had 20 minutes to prepare for the aerobics session. Each team was given a song to put together creative steps for.

Red – Anaconda
Orange – I Gotta Feeling
Yellow – Tik Tok
Green – Right Round

After the 20 minutes was up, each group had to perform their dance moves one by one starting with the Green House followed by Yellow, Orange and Red houses respectively. The teams' grooves were judged on their presentation and creativity.
Dance move for Anaconda~ the lecturer rocks !!

Practicing for right round ~! Arrow shooting pose 
looks like they are having a hard time to decide the dance move for tik tok ~

I gotta feeling !

Once the aerobics was done, it was then time for some real fun. The committee had put together games with the theme 'Running Man'. Running Man Part I was separated into 2 parts: Station Games (played individually) and Telematches (played as a team).

There were 4 station games. The first game was called Fill Up The Meter!. The participants were grouped in fives. The first person wore a blind fold and had a water bottle containing water. Then, the other members who were carrying paper cups on their heads had to pass the water in sequence to fill up the jug at the end. The more jugs filled, the better!

The second game was known as Mix & Match and Leisure Cup of Tea. In the first part of the game, the students were required to pick a size of spoon and drink the tea. In the second part however, they were each given a number between 1 and 15. Then a math question is given and the student whose number is the answer stands up. The students are not allowed to discuss among themselves and no two persons are allowed to stand up at the same time.
interesting *evil laugh*

Moving on, we played charades. Where a student had to draw out a movie, music, animal or place and act it out to the others to guess. The 4th station game was called Volleyball Mayhem where the students took turns to carry 3 volleyballs each between their thighs and both arms.

Unlike the station games which took place simultaneously, the 3 telematches were in a sequence. The first telematch : Push Die You was played between two teams. Red house went head to head with Orange house while Yellow house and Green house competed. In this game, the participants had to hand each others hand securely and use on hand to push their opponent and push them off balance.

The next game, Jump Die You was rather challenging as each group and to stand in a bridge like formation were one student passes through to the end and jumps rope and the process had to be repeated until every team member gets a turn.

In the third telematch Eat Die You, the teams had to form a line and then the 1st group of 5 had to finish eating the chocolates while the 2nd group of 5 had to finish the lime juice given and the 3rd group of 3 the 2 hot cups, the 2nd last person ice cream and finally the last person one can of coke.

Then there was Running Man Part II. The participants were divided into 2 groups the hunters and the searchers. The role o the searchers were to look for the 7 hidden clues whilst the hunters were to distract and scare off the hunters as well as eliminate them.
Where ?

Where is the hidden clue ?


Overall, there were many games played and therefore it was a very tiring event. However, it was so much of fun as even the dean joined in some of the games. We took this opportunity to really bond with each other and get to know each other well. Events like this should take place more often so we can unwind our stress with some healthy competition and most of all, FUN!
Orange House ( 4th place )

Red House ( 3rd place )

Green House ( 2nd place )

Yellow House ( 1st place )

Posted by TuPSS Editorial Board On 02:36 2 comments READ FULL POST

S-pill it out is on air now!

As a platform for information sharing on health-care related issues, TuPSS editorial board would like to invite Taylor's SOP students to share their voice out.

Anyone who interested kindly email the writing piece to: Writer can choose to disclose his name as the writer or using the nickname. The content of the writing should not consists of political, religious, and sexism issues.

P.S.: The opinions expressed by the writer do not represent the view of TuPSS Editorial Board.