Wednesday, 12 September 2018

One of the most powerful reasons for team building is to encourage team bonding and to bring people together by encouraging collaboration and teamwork. On the 25th of August, the last weekend before the new semester begun, the annual team building event was held by our Year 2 TuPSS committees to welcome our year one juniors to join our big PHARMILY.

Through a series of planned team bonding events that are fun and motivational, our students managed to see each other in a different light and it allowed them to connect in a different setting. This event involved students and lecturers from SOP, including the Dean of SOP, Prof. Chua. The objective of this team building was not only for the participants to have fun, but also for the freshmen to get to know more about Taylor’s University Pharmacy Students’ Society (TuPSS) and as well as for the seniors to share about their experience as a pharmacy students in Taylor’s University.

The registration started at 8.30am and we received great response from our lecturers and the students. A welcoming speech was delivered by our awesome emcees of the day- Clarissa and Thaneswary. Following the welcoming speech was a zumba session led by the Organizing Chairperson, Wei Qiao to heat up the atmosphere. All the participants enjoyed the session very much. Later on, the ice-breaking session kick started when all the participants have been distributed into groups based on their respective birthday months. The ice-breaking session was named as “Pass the Message”, where the participants have to line up, pass the message by acting and the last participant had to guess the message correctly.

After breaking the ice between the groups, the participants were once again distributed into groups based on 6 different colours according to their name tag: The Flames, The Snowman, The Hulk, The Predators, The Aquaholics and The Minions! Every team were required to complete their house cheer. Next, the flow was followed by an explanation about the rules and regulations of the station games and final game by our OCP. After that came the best part of the day: Lunch! We had our delicious lunch prepared by the organizing committees.

After lunch, there came the most exciting activity of the day, station games. There are 5 stations in total and every team had to collect as many points as possible in order for them to be the winner of the day. As unity is strength, when there is teamwork and collaboration, success can be achieve.

From the photos below, we can see that everyone was having fun and working together as a team to accomplish all the station games. Every team managed to solve most of the challenges of the station games with just one trial, and that is why we say, teamwork makes the dream works.

After the station games, the committees introduced the highlight of the day which was the Treasure Hunt. That is the most exciting and challenging part of the day. Everyone was scratching their heads while trying to find the hidden items or places by following a series of clues.The participants were directed to solve the clues one by one in order to collect all the hidden items. There was also a 'Hints Station' where participants can actually buy the hints with their marks collected earlier. It was funny and thrilling while seeing them completing specific tasks such as do funny yoga pose, win rock scissors paper three times in a row and etc. Everyone was happy and enjoyed the game although they felt tired as the hidden items were all scattered around the University compound.

After the treasure hunt ended, everyone gathered again and a video of throwback photos were played. Everyone burst out laughing when they saw some funny pictures of themselves that was being captured on camera. This was followed by the prize giving ceremony for the winning groups. Congratulations to the winning teams and we hope everyone enjoyed the gifts prepared by the logistic team.

An event is not complete without a group photo, so we took a group photo together before ending this event.

TuPSS Team Building 2018 was such a wonderful and successful event. We wish to thank all of the organizing committees and helpers who were involved in putting together this event. We know that it requires a huge effort to make this event so great and we wish to thank the students and lecturers for participating in this event as well. We hope that all of you enjoyed it.

Written By
Ivy Jhing Ee
Editorial Board 2017/2018/2019
Posted by TuPSS Editorial Board On 07:50 8 comments READ FULL POST

Monday, 3 September 2018

The main idea of having an event which would benefit pharmacy students in terms of application of knowledge and the ability of giving back to society has been long thought. With careful planning, The Extra Mile Program (TEMP) under Taylor’s University Pharmacy Students Society (TuPSS) introduced a Mobile Clinic program with two organizations with an ongoing mission to provide healthcare benefits to refugees.

What is Mobile Clinic?
The Mobile Clinic program is launched in partnership with Elshaddai Healthcare For Refugees (EH4R) and St. John Ambulance Malaysia Selangor Coastal Area to provide free healthcare to refugees in Malaysia.

5 sessions of Mobile Clinic has been conducted so far and the venues for each session are different. The venues are set so that different refugee centers would have the chance to obtain medical needs.
March: Madrasah Rahmaniyah (Committees only visitation)
April: 37,Jalan Udang Kara, Sungai Udang, Klang
May:  Pasar Borong Selayang, 139, Jalan 2/3A, off Jalan Ipoh.
June: Jalan Ampang Utama 2/2
August:  2nd Floor, 54, Jalan Pasar, Klang

During each session of Mobile Clinic, the students of Taylor’s University School of Pharmacy would assist in different sections. In each section, students are able to contribute in different ways, not only by applying their knowledge in dispensing and counseling but also through their communication and administrative skills.

Our student volunteer, Ling Yuan, listens carefully to what the doctor is saying as she would later on translate the doctor’s words to the patient in Bahasa Melayu (Malay Language). [April 2018]

Our first year student Shannon assists in registration. She would later collect the patient cards and pass them to the doctors at the other side of the room. [March 2018]

Two of our volunteers, Malarvili and Win Nee, are busy preparing the medications for dispensing. [June 2018]

Wen Hui explains carefully on the correct way to take the medication to the patient. [April 2018]

Out of 5 sessions, St. John Ambulance Malaysia has been able to join us for 2 sessions. In both sessions, the volunteers are lucky enough to be able to have a look at the Mobile Clinic vehicle.

The two pictures are taken in April 2018 and August 2018 respectively.

Student volunteers are able to explore the interior of the Mobile Clinic vehicle.

Through this meaningful event, student volunteers are able to interact not just with adult patients, but with young ones as well! Having to interact with both young and old teaches us the different approaches when dealing with patients with different needs and capabilities.

Student volunteer Priscilla having a small chat with 3 young girls as they wait patiently for their parents turn to collect medications. [April 2018] 

Seems like third year students Gayithiri and Qistina made a friend! [May 2018]

Student volunteers Elias, Gayithiri and Qistina with Ms Janny and Dr. Ng. Ms Janny has been very gracious to guide our student volunteers for each session and Dr. Ng has been the one who has given us the chance to take part in this meaningful event. [May2018]

Students volunteers took a picture with the volunteers from St. John Ambulance Malaysia Selangor Coastal Area and volunteer doctors from both Elshaddai Healthcare For Refugees (EH4R) and St. John Ambulance Malaysia Selangor Coastal Area. [April 2018]

For the coming months ahead, there would be more sessions of Mobile Clinic to come! Stay Tuned!

“Inspired by need, driven by passion”

With great joy and well wishes,
Mok Chi Zen
Head of The Extra Mile Program
Taylor’s University Pharmacy Students Society 2017/2018

Posted by TuPSS Editorial Board On 06:43 13 comments READ FULL POST

S-pill it out is on air now!

As a platform for information sharing on health-care related issues, TuPSS editorial board would like to invite Taylor's SOP students to share their voice out.

Anyone who interested kindly email the writing piece to: Writer can choose to disclose his name as the writer or using the nickname. The content of the writing should not consists of political, religious, and sexism issues.

P.S.: The opinions expressed by the writer do not represent the view of TuPSS Editorial Board.