The 22nd September was no ordinary sunny day because it was the day that most of our TuPSS members were looking forward to. It was finally time for the annual TuPSS Sports Day 2018 with the theme 'Not Fast, Just Furious'!
Participants gathered in the Sports Complex as early as 7 am and the day kick-started with some stretching and aerobics to get them warmed up.
The event officially started after a speech by Dr. Jason Loo, our lecturer advisor and the Organizing Chairperson.
The first competition was a run around the campus to get the participants heart pumping and blood rushing. Once they had all returned back to the sports complex, the day continue with some ice breaking games whereby they sat in their own houses that there were grouped into and played two games which were human knot and two truth one lie. Though simple, these games helped them get to know each other better as each group consisted of members from different year and some of the juniors have yet to meet their seniors.
After getting closer, the houses were asked to choose their captain and to get them hyped up for the next activity, there were asked to come up with a house cheer. Next up came the basketball and captain ball competition. All the participants gave it their all to win for their houses and the rankings turned out to be as below:
1st: Red house
2nd: Blue house
3rd: Green house
4th: Yellow house
Captain ball:
1st: Yellow house
2nd: Red house
3rd: Blue house
4th: Green houseBy 12pm, it was time to let the participants catch their breath and fill their stomachs with some food. The participants ate together and also had the chance to mingle. Once they had their energy fueled up, the sports day resumed with dodgeball and 'mini sports day'. The 'mini sports day' are actual sports events but with a twist in it such as penalties (Football), relay (push-ups + sit ups + jumping star + burpees), blanket ball (Volleyball) and handball (hand tied together). As the participants competed to defeat their opponents, the committees were playing close attention and taking down scores.
1st: Green house
2nd: Blue house
3rd: Yellow house
4th: Red house"Mini sports day”:
1st: Green house
2nd: Blue house
3rd: Yellow house
4th: Red house Finally once everyone settled down after the games, it was time for the prize giving ceremony and group photo session. The house that was victorious was the Red house and this was followed by Yellow house, Green house and last but not least, Blue house. However, no matter what the results were, everyone was definitely champions as they exhibited great sportsmanship and went all out to help their houses win! Moreover, TuPSS Sports day was never about winning but was more about strengthening the bond between TuPSS juniors and seniors!
All in all, everyone had a blast on that eventful day and we would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all the committees for their dedication and effort in planning TuPSS Sports Day 2018. And to all the participants, thank you for supporting us by joining and making it a success!
Written by,
Amanda Keo Wann Yuin
Editorial Board 17/18/19